Friday, January 28, 2011

thinky thinking. not really.

i am so terribly happy it's friday. the mister and i are looking forward to a do-nothing weekend. by do-nothing i really mean, attacking really fun projects we have been putting off due to sheer exhaustion from prior commitments. ain't that how it goes?
this morning i am ahead of the game on the shop and a little frustrated that we aren't getting much traffic this week. i'm going to put that out of my head this weekend though so my focus can be positive and energetic.
i must say, since we completely rearranged the house this week, i couldn't help but feel compelled to pull out my favourite feng shui book, Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life by Karen Rauch Carter. it is so hilariously written and easily applicable to anyone.
i have been inspired to do a lot of things this weekend. planning a vertical vegetable garden, my new project for the shop, feng shui-ing, and yoga/fitness-related things. homegirl is in need of some major stretching. i am too young to have creaks like i do. considering, as well, that i have had them for almost ten years now.
i was catching up on one of my favourite blogs, Yes and Yes, and she is doing the project of 32 things before she turns 32. i mentioned earlier in the week (or was it last week?) that i wanted to do 29 things before i turned 29. i read through her list again and it has me excited at the prospect. yet, i am not sure where to even begin!
hmmm... something to think about on my walk this morning perhaps? though, i'm usually deep in convo with my lady friend instead of doing any thinky thinking. it's a win-win either way, i reckon.
it is a beautiful friday, friends! get out and enjoy yourself. do all the nothings you put off by committing to others. commit to you!
adieu for now,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

otters & routines

the sky was bright pink and orange this morning while i was driving the mister to work. i saw an otter, that's right, an otter run across six lanes of heavy commuter traffic from a wooded area to a work park. it made it safely, thank goodness. that was one fast and agile otter.
of course, being the tender heart that i am, i wanted to scoop it up and find a safe place for it. i worried that it had babies somewhere, that it wouldn't make it safely across again if it indeed attempted that frightening trek another time.
the mister did what he does best in those situations, assure me that everything is okay. he is really good at talking me down from animal exploits. i get really sensitive and emotional when i think about wild animals trying to make it through human territory. it doesn't seem terribly fair at all. anyway, he reassured me about the otter and it made me feel better. heh. it all sounds so silly when i try to explain it.
the little buddy has his morning routines. we get home from dropping the mister at work and he walks around the yard for about five minutes. we go inside, he gets a treat. i try to begin work on the shop while he runs around like a maniac going from playing ball to tossing his favourite green and white rope around. after about ten minutes of that, he's tuckered out and begins his early morning-mid morning snoozefest.
routines are nice when you're a little pup.
adieu for now,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

eating in

lobster ravioli with tomato vodka cream sauce. $6.75 for two and a half rather reasonable and yummy servings.



let's give the girl a hand. heh.


i've been experimenting with a new aesthetic with the shop. this was posted yesterday.

the cute & groovy

vintage headscarf/handkerchief, scarf new at the shop. mid-60's to 70's. very cute. very groovy.


love pumpkin

the weather is perfect today. windy. a little grey. cold but not too cold. it makes me very happy. massive clouds are swirling around and leaves are falling like confetti in a ticker tape parade. joy.
last night my and the husby rearranged the entire main living space of the nest. it looks so amazing now. we have a cozy little living room area with the two tiny tiny couches i inherited from my grandmother, the antique dresser-turned-t.v. stand i inherited from my great-great uncle, the fire pot my stepfather made for us sitting in as a makeshift end table until we have decent enough weather to pull it outside and burn things in it. it is all so terribly cozy.
the "office" area is by the back door. my antique pie safe filled to overflowing with books. my antique camping table holding down our prosperity section (feng shui is fun). the three antique chairs that were given to my great-grandmother and great-grandfather in their younger days (early in their marriage methinks) lined up in a row against the wall to my left. sinewy and stark, almost quaker-like until you look at the artwork hanging above it. which are all very colourful, to say the least.
oh and the papier mache pumpkin i made in september that happened to have had our wedding date on the bottom. i found the date as i was painting it white and decided to leave it visible. i then drew all over the pumpkin with a gold pen and wrote LOVE PUMPKIN on it. it sits on one of the antique chairs. i rather like it.
it is wednesday. everything is beautiful.
adieu for now,

Monday, January 24, 2011

grown-ups in princess cone-hats

me and the buddy are in the midst of our morning routine at the nest. he is taking a nap. i am networking the shop and doing all i can to find inspiration for further shoppiness. this weekend we took a trip to mississippi for a wedding, we are now safely home. still recovering. not from the wedding but from the weekend itself. we were lucky enough to have our third sale on the shop this weekend as well, so being the glass half-full kind of gal i am... i'm enjoying my half-full glass of lemonade. ahem.
i am also planning my 29th birthday party set for february 5th. it's a theme. i've always wanted a themed birthday party. i can never get people excited about them and (don't like to admit it) i'm pretty sure i still won't be able to this year; but that is okay because it's MY BIRFDAY and i love love my birfday.
i'm pretty much a five-year old about it and will be wearing a tiara or princes cone-hat the entire day if possible whether or not people give a flying fig it's my birthday or not. so there.
now back to acting like a grown-up:
i've also decided to do a "29 things to do before i turn 30" project beginning on my 29th birthday. but what to put on the list? there are so many things i've been wanting to do but haven't for whatever reason (money, time, intimidated yadda yadda yadda).
any suggestions?

adieu for now,

Friday, January 21, 2011

things i will never be okay with

1. marzipan. because it's marzipan.
2. the sound styrofoam makes. weird squeaky styrofoam noise, ugh.
3. capers. i cannot begin to fathom the purpose of their existence.
4. that feeling when you write with a pen that has been accidentally unclicked. it's in the styrofoam category.
5. kids that can't put down electronic devices. or adults who do the same thing, for that matter.
6. the yankee candle company. who needs a cake-smelling candle? if you want cake smell that much, then... make a cake, visit a bakery. something other than buying and burning those nasty nasty candles.
7. fear-mongering on the news. it's cruel and counter-productive. it's a 24-hour televised tabloid.

that is all for now.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


i made a broccoli puree soup last night with sharp white cheddar and crusty bread. it was spicy and yummy and i think may have been what finally got the hubbins to stop shivering last night. i can't ever get him to put on a sweater. the house is set at a balmy 68 degrees. so instead i pour cayenne into everything. worked like a charm.
i have pictures of my culinary exploits this week somewhere. it's been a week of pretty awesome successes. so, when i find the photographs, i will post them.
today the sunlight is diffused. the kind of overcast that makes you squint really hard. i'm on a productive streak. editing the shop, sending out rays of hope that people will find our shop, fall in love, and keep us afloat.
we have had two sales this month at the new shop, and four near-sales. near-sales. that's frustrating but true. two were international, which is the reason it was a no-go. international shipping for breakable things is really expensive. too expensive. quite the bummer.
things are looking up. i have a new project i am unbelievably excited about and soon you shall see what that is. in the meantime, here is one of our new additions to the shop (we have 23 items for sale, so check it out sometime), an antique book titled How To Double The Day's Work - 87 Plans and Short Cuts Used and Proved at the Desks of 43 Executives. published in 1909, it is such an interesting glimpse into the early 20th century and the excitement surrounding the beginnings of the modern workplace. as a bonus, this book has a smattering of handwriting, margin notations, pasted-in inspirations etc. i simply adore old books with handwriting in them. it connects you to another time. it is quite endearing, actually and a really helpful little book.
enjoy your day, friends.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


there are funny noises in the house today. every day actually. boxes falling from the top of shelves and what-not. the house is filled with grey winter light, dark corners and dust bunnies rolling like giant tumbleweeds. that's right, i still haven't vacuumed.
little buddy is keeping a steady watch on the ferns in the backyard. the squirrels too. random things are strewn across the drafting table. a linen cloth. a vintage necklace (three rows of pearl-shaped beads in startling bright orange, yellow, and avocado green). two white mums with broken stems. a coat hook shaped like an opened hand. a little creepy but it makes me laugh. a lone chopstick. yellow ribbon. a pearl necklace. a love note from my honey. a lot of paper. on nearly every one of them, a scrawled to-do list.
it's wednesday at the nest.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


the other day i added a new item to the shop. actually it's a pair of items together. an antique set of spelling books from 1904 and 1909, respectively. pretty awesome, no? in case any of you out there reading didn't know this about me, i have a rather dangerous affinity for collecting antique books with handwriting in them. these are from my collection. they are up in the shop because we are lightening our load in preparation for the great exodus.
anyway, the books are just so wonderful and charming. the smell good, the handwriting is so endearing. they both belonged to a miss edna cole in ohio in the early part of the last century. the red book also belonged to nellie smock of ohio as well (i would assume she owned them before miss edna). regardless, i think they are special and i hope someone who really loves and appreciates this sort of thing finds them and adds them to their home.

letters. words. sentences. paragraphs.

well, the sun is shining. the pup is spread-eagle on a pile of laundry (clean, as it were). i half attempted a sewing project (which is half more than i have before) therefore chalked up to success. the job hunt is depressing. the new shop is pretty, if a little sluggish this week. the christmas tree is still up (though i packed away the ornaments and garlands) therefore chalked up to success. the to-do list in my head is a long and winding scroll. the husband is frustrated at work, i'm rather frustrated with it at the moment too.
the piggy bank is jingly, albeit rather lightweight. i need to acquire an iron. i can't find mine. the floor hasn't been vacuumed this year. i still have heirloom pumpkins from halloween up in my house. they haven't died and i find that fascinating because my indoor plants are dropping like flies.
my mousepad is a sonny and cher vinyl record cover. "all i ever need is you". it's pleasing to look at.
adieu for now,

Sunday, January 16, 2011


yeah friends, i did just spend five straight minutes grating the burnt off of the biscuits i'm making for dinner before anyone could notice. if that ain't the southern gene in action, i don't know what is.
enjoy your sunday my darlings!

Friday, January 14, 2011

black birds & white birds

while devendra banhart is playing while the mister recovers from work, i decided i would post the treasury i made today on etsy.
black birds & white birds are the theme (is the theme? is sounds weird). i hope you take the time to check it out. i really enjoy the treasury concept on etsy. sixteen features and a chance to tell a story while showcasing amazing objects from my favourite stores on etsy. *le sigh* one day i will have enough moolah to buy all these goodies for me and loved-ones.
adieu for now darlings!

don't forget about our collaborative blog:

friday onions

good evening! last night i tried a new french onion soup recipe and it was amazing. i used chicken broth instead of beef broth (beef and i are not bros) and a little bit too much thyme.
regardless i think i have entry number three in my "when i have a diner one day, i'll make ____insert amazing food here____". tonight is so marvelously friday that i have nothing planned but heating up leftovers for my beloved and perhaps bumming around a bookstore.
here's to a lovely weekend for you friends!
adieu for now,

Thursday, January 13, 2011


last night's latke experiment had mixed results. we basically had hash browns that kind of looked like latkes. i have to say though, dipped in sour cream and sprinkled with hawaiian salt and black ground pepper... it was pretty darn enjoyable.
tonight is family dinner, unless my mama still has a cold. then i am going to attempt homemade onion soup (without beef stock) with rustic bread and goat cheese. you can pretty much smear goat cheese on anything and i will be happy with it, so i am excited to try this recipe.
today is quite frigid in the sunshine state. low tonight in the upper teens. that isn't terribly rare for winters here the past few years but it sure is felt when you have a giant glass door in your living room. sheesh!
well, i must dash. i have a multitude of errands to run and some office-related piddling to do. i surely hope your day is beautiful, friends!
adieu for now,

p.s. don't forget to check out our shop blog, our shop facebook, and well...our shop.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

lu, and jane honda, and jen, and water bearers.

so i've been toolin' around etsy this evening in between makin' latkes and cleaning. in doing so, i made a treasury devoted to my favourite time of birthday. it sounds totally selfish and self-indulgent bladahbladahbladah, but i am positively giddy from about mid-january until valentine's day.
anyway, i made a treasury devoted to it called "aquarius and pisces - a february alter". it's kitschy and cutesie and all things lulu; but that isn't my point. my point is that i went browsing around OTHER treasuries devoted to the same thing (iiiiiiiii am not alooooone!!!!) and found the cutest image for aquarius that i've seen in a long time. so for you tonight, friends...the water bearer.
the artist's shop name on etsy is jendrivesacivic. for those of you who know me, you know that my beloved jane honda is my trusty steed. right on, jen whomever you are!!!
adieu for now, time for latkes!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

paper alice

i love this lady. i really want to be friends with her. her name is paper alice.

i'm super crafty-inspired today, can you tell? i hope your tuesday is magnificent friends!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

laundry day

laundry - a haiku

dirty clothing multiplies
never ending bin

thank you and enjoy your day! i'm rotten with haikus but i made myself laugh and that's all that really matters right now; as i'm faced with a mountain of laundry to wash, dry and fold.

white noise

good morning friends! i've been toolin' away at the etsy shop and my to-do lists. it's quite enjoyable actually. the treasury i made this morning features calming whites and creams. it just seemed nice. peaceful. i hope you check it out.

have a beautiful day, lovelies!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

coffee & home

good morning friends! 'tis sunday and i have been working on the shop for two hours now. i'm about to sit down with my man and enjoy a nice cup of coffee. not much has been going on this weekend and that's exactly how i like it.
here's something for you to enjoy while you sip on your cup o' coffee.

isn't that the cutest thing ever?
adieu for now,

Thursday, January 6, 2011


possibly the cutest thing ever. made cuter by the fact that he doesn't even try to know the words to the song.

how can you not smile when you see that?
happy thursday!!!

treasures & letters

good morning campers! 'tis thursday and i am in the midst of my typical mid-morning shop work. i love it. today i made a treasury about the romantic days of letter writing. you can see it to at the top, but if'n you want to see it in detail go to the treasury itself.
today is another lovely day. beautiful grey, foggy weather; a deep chill in the air. it has me feeling rather philosophical and craving a cup of tea. perhaps that is what i shall do between posting new items on the shop.
i hope today is beautiful and calm for you friends. the weekend is almost heeeeere!
adieu for now,
p.s. if you haven't checked out our shop's collaborative inspiration blog, do so now! orleans apothecary

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

asap potatoes

let me tell you what! the new etsy shop is so much fun! we have posted three new items this morning and more on the way. check it out when you get the chance: orleans apothecary
it's a chilly and rainy wednesday morning. i'm a sucker for grey days like this. i'm going to hunker down today and get things done, though (instead of get in bed with a book and a cup of tea). i have quite a bit to do around the house and i have a mad hankerin' for my corn & sausage cheddar chowder and have to procure some potatoes asap!
i hope your day is beautiful friends and that you are snugged in and cozy as soon as possible!
adieu for now,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

rabbit trail

good morning friends. 'tis tuesday and things are beginning to return to normal. i'm grateful for that and motivated to get some things done. the past few days have been a little intense but i'm feeling good and making lists.
i've been rather inspired lately to do all kinds of things so today i'm going to check some things off of my list, then pull out the olivetti perhaps and do some writing.
i know i haven't had much to say since the new year rolled around, but i've been a little overwhelmed. same ole lu will return, i promise!!
well, i certainly hope that you all are enjoying your tuesday! it's crisp and cloudy. very "almost my birthday" weather. that probably makes no sense to anyone whose birthday isn't in the "first seven weeks of the year" bracket. it totally thrills me, though. heh. i'm like a five year-old about my birthday. i have always been told that will change when i get older, but i hope it never will. it hasn't happened yet, i'll tell you that!
well, off i go! check some things off your to-do lists too! it feels really good.

Monday, January 3, 2011

there she goes again

hello friends. 'tis monday. the holiday break is over and mississippi and i are scurrying about trying to get ready for work. oddly enough, the online stores have been doing well and that has me incredibly motivated to keep that happening. timing is an interesting thing isn't it?
once again, i got no sleep last night. minus an hour or two in which i dreamed i was michael weston from Burn Notice. i'm tackling something today that has been weighing on me the entire break. wish me luck (and grace and tact and all the stuff i could use right now).
off i go!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


i've got something new coming up and i have been terribly nervous about it. nightmares etc. my bestie says that i shouldn't let fear dominate and that i love proving myself in situations like this (which can be true, though i really am not interested in doing that anymore). mississippi says he supports whatever i do and that putting yourself in situations that you don't want to be in is fruitless. it's also a new year and i'm itching for many changes. including breaking the habit of putting myself in situations i don't want to be in.
so here i am. shaken awake in my swivel chair and searching my gut.
we shall see, eh?
enjoy this beautiful day!

oh and our new shop is officially open. orleans apothecary

Saturday, January 1, 2011


happy new year friends! it's unseasonably warm today, but the sun is bright and there is a lovely breeze. i've been thinking a lot this morning about this new year sitting happily on my doorstep. there are a lot of changes coming and that is good. it's a little frightening but that is okay. this year i'm craving health and balance. i'm on the right track. i hope you are enjoying this beautiful day!