Thursday, May 27, 2010
freeze frame
the longest 14 hours ever!
well, it's thursday. i had a long night of f-f-f-fun last night and am paying the price today but it's all good. it's nothing a little water and some mac 'n cheese won't cure. heh. this morning i have to pack my bag and do a quick clean of the chateau before i head to work. on my lunch break i have to run the last minute errands everyone has to run before leaving town. bank, superlube, etc. then at 5:30 today, i'm hitting the road and am so very excited about it. i'm very much looking forward to good times, good food, and great people. i'm hoping to post a few times while i'm over there, but i can't make any guarantees. okeedokee friends, i'm off to be productive. i hope you have an awesome thursday, and an even better weekend.
adieu for now,
adieu for now,
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
lu & roo & errands too!
good morning kiddies. 'tis wednesday and i've got a short at-home morning ahead of me due to some errands that must be taken care of. i had a great family dinner last night. one of my favourites. lots of talking and visiting and and sitting outside.
i'm in a pretty decent mood this morning even though the excitement for my trip to mississippi/nola has me on edge and wishing the day would go by a little more quickly. i've got roo, my roomie's cat who is usually quite standoffish (but seems to like me for some reason) hanging out with me this morning. she's rubbing her noggin on my laptop and it's quite cute.
she is my secret kittums friend. i try to sneak pictures of her being my little bud inthe mornings because no one believes me but of course, my camera battery is charging this morning and she's looking up at me with these giant eyes and it's adorable.
aaaanyway, tonight i have just as busy of a schedule as i do this morning. i need to drop seven off at his dad's, visit on the porch with my ladyfriend (it's a necessity to make time for things like that!), clean, pack, and run a few more errands. sheeesh. when i get to mississippi thursday night, i may just fall asleep at the show. i'm so excited though, that i'm sure i'll be running on adrenaline (and gallons of coffee) and will have no trouble staying awake.
today is lovely. cloudless. it's going to be a hot one. perhaps i'll swim laps after work. i haven't done laps since sunday or monday and haven't had time this morning to do the 3 miles i was hoping to do. oh well, i won't beat myself up about it, as long as i do a little something; it's better than nothing, right?
well, as i mentioned, the camera battery is charging this morning, so no pictures to post, but i'll have some tonight or tomorrow. even if they're not of the elusive lu & roo morning duo.
and again...if you want to be my 17th blog follower, please do! i know a lot of you read this regularly but you don't officially follow it, but help a sister out! heh. que ridiculo.
adieu for now,
i'm in a pretty decent mood this morning even though the excitement for my trip to mississippi/nola has me on edge and wishing the day would go by a little more quickly. i've got roo, my roomie's cat who is usually quite standoffish (but seems to like me for some reason) hanging out with me this morning. she's rubbing her noggin on my laptop and it's quite cute.
she is my secret kittums friend. i try to sneak pictures of her being my little bud inthe mornings because no one believes me but of course, my camera battery is charging this morning and she's looking up at me with these giant eyes and it's adorable.
aaaanyway, tonight i have just as busy of a schedule as i do this morning. i need to drop seven off at his dad's, visit on the porch with my ladyfriend (it's a necessity to make time for things like that!), clean, pack, and run a few more errands. sheeesh. when i get to mississippi thursday night, i may just fall asleep at the show. i'm so excited though, that i'm sure i'll be running on adrenaline (and gallons of coffee) and will have no trouble staying awake.
today is lovely. cloudless. it's going to be a hot one. perhaps i'll swim laps after work. i haven't done laps since sunday or monday and haven't had time this morning to do the 3 miles i was hoping to do. oh well, i won't beat myself up about it, as long as i do a little something; it's better than nothing, right?
well, as i mentioned, the camera battery is charging this morning, so no pictures to post, but i'll have some tonight or tomorrow. even if they're not of the elusive lu & roo morning duo.
and again...if you want to be my 17th blog follower, please do! i know a lot of you read this regularly but you don't officially follow it, but help a sister out! heh. que ridiculo.
adieu for now,
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
bacon, n'awlins, and a pedicure
happy tuesday, fellers! i'm up and about, being productive. i walked two miles this morning. not a huge deal to all my rad athletical friends (yes i know that isn't a word), but it's worthy of a little horn-tootin' to me who has been rather lackadaisical about my health for quite some time now.
i had a fun night with girly friends last night. i had anticipated a quiet night in, a movie maybe, and some cleaning. instead i had two young lovelies come over and gab for hours. it was sweet, girly good times. it's kind of nice to be big sisterish sometimes.
right now i'm sitting in front of a plate of turkey bacon, wishing it was a cabo blt from canopy roads (may have to make an early morning of it and head over there tomorrow or thursday). when those hankerin's roll around there isn't much i can do about it but submit.

i'm heading over to mississippi thursday night for a show and to meet up with some wonderful people. then making my way over to new orleans on friday. i'm excited. i haven't been in 6 years!
this week is full of preparations. superlube, pedicure (a treat for myself), finding a new weekender suitcase because a friend destroyed mine without replacing it last year. i also HAVE to clean the chateau because people are staying in it this weekend, then i have to get little buddy ready to go visit his dad. an experience that, though helpful when i leave town, always ends up stressing me out. partly because i miss him, and partly because it's hard to let go of him and trust that he'll get enough attention and play time etc. i know! i'm a ridiculous worry-wort puppums mama. that's just how i roll, though folks.
well, i reckon i'll get ready for work. i hope your tuesdays are wonderful!
adieu for now,
*today's picture: post early-morning walk out in the backyard watching seven show off how fast he can run for mama. cuuuteness.
i had a fun night with girly friends last night. i had anticipated a quiet night in, a movie maybe, and some cleaning. instead i had two young lovelies come over and gab for hours. it was sweet, girly good times. it's kind of nice to be big sisterish sometimes.
right now i'm sitting in front of a plate of turkey bacon, wishing it was a cabo blt from canopy roads (may have to make an early morning of it and head over there tomorrow or thursday). when those hankerin's roll around there isn't much i can do about it but submit.
i'm heading over to mississippi thursday night for a show and to meet up with some wonderful people. then making my way over to new orleans on friday. i'm excited. i haven't been in 6 years!
this week is full of preparations. superlube, pedicure (a treat for myself), finding a new weekender suitcase because a friend destroyed mine without replacing it last year. i also HAVE to clean the chateau because people are staying in it this weekend, then i have to get little buddy ready to go visit his dad. an experience that, though helpful when i leave town, always ends up stressing me out. partly because i miss him, and partly because it's hard to let go of him and trust that he'll get enough attention and play time etc. i know! i'm a ridiculous worry-wort puppums mama. that's just how i roll, though folks.
well, i reckon i'll get ready for work. i hope your tuesdays are wonderful!
adieu for now,
*today's picture: post early-morning walk out in the backyard watching seven show off how fast he can run for mama. cuuuteness.
Monday, May 24, 2010
monday funday
good morning, friends. 'tis monday and i got very little sleep last night. i went to bed at a decent hour, i simply couldn't stay asleep. i had fitful, frustrating dreams filled with people i am not keen on. i was awake for waaaaay too long at around 4 this morning and by the time 7 rolled around i may as well not have gone to bed at all. but surprisingly, i'm not grumpy (wonder of all wonders!). having returned to my previously healthy lifestyle, i feel better when i wake up. yesterday i attempted yoga, took a nice mile-long walk through the neighbourhood (would have been longer but it gets too dang hot too quickly in the morning), then swam 10 full laps in the pool. the little successes encourage me to make more. this morning i think i'm going to attempt yoga again. wowsa. want a reminder of just how unflexible you are? jump right back into a yoga routine after 6+ months off. whew!
anyway, i am heading off to work in about an hour; in the meantime i'm already fantasizing about what i'm going to do with myself tonight. i really do need to do some organizing. i think i'll start with the financial section of the chateau (feng shui) which is currently a bizarro mish-mash stack o' random including (but not limited to): my travel guitar which needs to have a string changed but since i haven't been practicing and haven't changed the strings on anything in five years, i don't want to do it in case i do it incorrectly. my yoga mat, my olivetti typewriter (thing of beauty), two gigantic straw sunhats, three pairs of scissors, hundreds of coloured pencils/markers, a handbag with a broken handle, a random wooden shelf sitting in a random basket, two bottles of wine, 7 or so vinyl records, a copier/printer, a red santa claus t-shirt, and an orange tennis ball. heh. that reminds me, i need to have that yard sale soon. maybe the end of june...
i think tonight i will take another walk and swim a few laps if i'm not too tired by the time i get off of work. i have a lot of practical things to do which makes me want to go hula hoop in the yard and run around with sparklers instead. i'm such a little kid sometimes. ooooh, and now i have to find some sparklers because that, though intended to be funny, is a GREAT idea. fun fun fun!!
alright, darlings...i must be off to get ready for work. i hope your mondays are full of fun ideas as well.
adieu for now,
*my bosses gave me flowers last night. these are them this morning. pretty no?
Sunday, May 23, 2010
what to do
oh yeah. thank goodness it is sunday. i will be at work again tomorrow, having worked yesterday and as per usual am trying not to be overwhelmed or overstimulated or burned out...though we all know better. *sigh* the optimism will prevail, me hopes.
yesterday, i had a moment that confirmed everything that has been going on in my head in regard to a particularly troubling, and intentionally vague situation. i have to admit...the door has been slammed shut and bolted in regard to it. it saddens me but inspires me as well to keep the positive changes a-comin'!
on a far more pleasant note, i went home after said situation and challenged myself to swim 25 full laps in the chateau pool. i succeeded (but it took me a bit, for i am OUT OF SHAPE) and then i did a bonus 3 laps because i'm OCD and wanted to swim as many laps as years i have lived. i know i'm odd, but so is everyone else. i simply delight in discussing it.
on a far more pleasant note, i went home after said situation and challenged myself to swim 25 full laps in the chateau pool. i succeeded (but it took me a bit, for i am OUT OF SHAPE) and then i did a bonus 3 laps because i'm OCD and wanted to swim as many laps as years i have lived. i know i'm odd, but so is everyone else. i simply delight in discussing it.
as further reward to myself for having made healthier choices (emotionally, physically etc.) this week, i took myself on a date last night (i was inspired to do so by my In Search of Simple bloggygalpal). i went to the craft store looking for supplies for that project i mentioned the other day (to no avail. jo-anne's fabrcis/crafts suck by the way); treated myself to a brooklyn lager at my favourite watering hole (where i met several people and had fun conversations, you know i love that!), and took myself to go see BABIES at miracle theatre.
i loved it. such a sweet, cool, beautifully shot look at how these 4 babies experienced the world for the first year of their lives. really interesting. you know sociological things like that just enthrall me, plus i like making grabby hands at chubby babies.
i came home, had a sweet conversation with a friend then, proceeded to pass out. lately, i have been talking in my sleep alot which is hilarious to me. i always have talked in my sleep but this week i have woken (that doesn't seem like the right word) myself up several times doing so; each time waking up holding my cell phone to my face gabbing away to no one. ridiculous!
today i should tackle the closet at the chateau. i don't want to though. it's horrible. it's a disaster. ugh. i will probably hit up the other craft store in town instead and see if i can find the goodies i seek. then i have a work thing tonight (three year anniversary with the shop), and hopefully some quality time with some sweet folks i haven't seen in nearly two weeks tonight at leon.
oh, follow the rabbit trail on this one...if you know me then you know i l-l-l-love dolly parton. there are many reasons for that but simply that she's the most successful and prolific female songwriter of all time should tide y'all over as a reason for the admiration. anyway, dolly has changed her entire website to benefit the nashville flood victims. so please visit , watch her video, and make a donation (no matter how small). i grew up down here in tally, and up there in nash. now both areas are affected by horrible disasters. i don't know what else i can say or do to ignite support for our beautiful gulf coastal regions at the moment other than to urge you to volunteer to aid the clean-up (and protest BP); but i can do this for nashville this morning.
much love to you, my sweet friends. thank you for checking in with me. oh! and if anyone wants to be my 17th blog follower, please do so. my OCD has me hoping for one follower for every month i write my blog and i'm nearly done with my 17th month and only have 16 followers! ha!
love love love, enjoy your day!
adieu for now,
top: friday night thai dinner. oh cashew chicken. deeeelicious!
middle: frustrated in the parking lot of the crafts store, saturday.
bottom: the early morning light in the hallway. pretty much the first thing i saw this morning (after seven's little button nose, of course). lovely, no?
bottom: the early morning light in the hallway. pretty much the first thing i saw this morning (after seven's little button nose, of course). lovely, no?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
whew! i got off to a slightly shakey start this morning. hairdo and slow saturday at work aside, i'm doing a little better and am really looking forward to having a night to myself tonight. i'm thinking dinner, movie, tubby time (what else is new there?), and perhaps some cleaning of the chateau.
speaking of which, i rearranged the chateau last night. i've been wanting to do that for about a month and a half now and i like what i've done. i brought in two sale rugs from the store that i think i'm going to get (so much for the budget...sheeeeeesh), and am going to do some feng shui once again. it's been quite some time since i focused on that and it did wonders at the funky little shack. the only thing i can't seem to figure out is how to keep seven from destroying it all and getting everything super dirty. i think he manifests dirt with his mind sometimes. he's lucky he's so cute, i tell ya.
anyway, i had a nice, quiet friday. had thai dinner and drinks at fermentation. then i went home and cleaned, rocked my jam jams, and slept hard. i hope your weekends are going wonderfully. mine starts in three hours, baby.
adieu for now, lovelies.
speaking of which, i rearranged the chateau last night. i've been wanting to do that for about a month and a half now and i like what i've done. i brought in two sale rugs from the store that i think i'm going to get (so much for the budget...sheeeeeesh), and am going to do some feng shui once again. it's been quite some time since i focused on that and it did wonders at the funky little shack. the only thing i can't seem to figure out is how to keep seven from destroying it all and getting everything super dirty. i think he manifests dirt with his mind sometimes. he's lucky he's so cute, i tell ya.
anyway, i had a nice, quiet friday. had thai dinner and drinks at fermentation. then i went home and cleaned, rocked my jam jams, and slept hard. i hope your weekends are going wonderfully. mine starts in three hours, baby.
adieu for now, lovelies.
Friday, May 21, 2010
friday post part deux
so, i have been off-kilter in my photo-distribution lately. but here are two days worth of pictures to coincide with the long, silly ramble i just posted. i hope you enjoy!
last night, playing with the new camera in the bathroom of lee's wine bar. i love the lights and the mirrors. it feels like you're underwater or something. soooo...there's that.
and this was wednesday at the shop. you see how long and scraggly my hairs is? little miss thing needs that super early haircut tomorrow. maybe i should just stay up all night so i'll be sure to make it there by the crack o' dawn. ha! all y'all who know me, know i can't do that. lu needs her sleep or she becomes quite atrocious indeed (and speaks in third person apparantly).

adieu lovies!
an arm-stretcher
alright alright, friends. 'tis friday. i'm starting to get back in the proper swing of things. i'm really wanting to do something creative this weekend and feel a trip to the craft store would do me right. i want some canvases for an art project i have no idea how to make but want to attempt. something collage-style using some photographs i took this weekend and mixing it with some found word pieces (old letters, random lists i've found and kept for some weird reason, old fortunes from delicious fortune cookies, yadda yadda yadda). i'm going to figure out how to make something pretty out of all my shtuff. that'd be a good sunday funday project...hmmmm. sunday funday is rapidly filling up with many fun chores actually. brunch with a friend, da pub with a few more (in the evening, of course)...and now an arty project. ooooh, that's exciting.
tonight i have thai dinner. i've had a massive hankerin' for cashew chicken lately. i can almost taste it right now (and it goes surprisingly well with coffee and bacon...*gag*). tomorrow i have the earliest haircut appointment known to man and am debating doing something drastic and donating my hair to either locks of love or the oil spill cleanup. y'all wouldn't mind me sinead o'connoring it for a while would you? i think it'd be cute. i could wear little bows and stuff like a toddler. it would however, emphasize how tiny my little ole noggin actually is. i'd look like a pinhead from those old sideshow freak photographs. heh. whatevs. my hair would grow back. we'll see with my hairstylist will say. she's hilarious about giving me her REAL opinion to my ideas. por ejemplo the only time i've ever considered colouring my hair (yes it is virgin hair which still surprises people for some reason):
L: i'm thinking about going red even though i've never dyed my hair before.
M: red?
L: yeah, what do you think?
M: no.
L: but...
M: no.
L: not even like some highlights or something?
M: no. you can't do red.
ahahahaha! i love her and have never dyed my hair even though other suggestions were made after that. when i mentioned this drastic haircut idea to her a few months ago she nearly slapped me on the back of the head. hilarious! can't wait to see her tomorrow. we always have a fine time catching up and making each other giggle like kids in class.
aaanyway, this is where my head be at today. where your head be at?
enjoy this beautiful weather, and another day on this little blue ball. love to all! (heh. i made a rhyme)
adieu for now,
tonight i have thai dinner. i've had a massive hankerin' for cashew chicken lately. i can almost taste it right now (and it goes surprisingly well with coffee and bacon...*gag*). tomorrow i have the earliest haircut appointment known to man and am debating doing something drastic and donating my hair to either locks of love or the oil spill cleanup. y'all wouldn't mind me sinead o'connoring it for a while would you? i think it'd be cute. i could wear little bows and stuff like a toddler. it would however, emphasize how tiny my little ole noggin actually is. i'd look like a pinhead from those old sideshow freak photographs. heh. whatevs. my hair would grow back. we'll see with my hairstylist will say. she's hilarious about giving me her REAL opinion to my ideas. por ejemplo the only time i've ever considered colouring my hair (yes it is virgin hair which still surprises people for some reason):
L: i'm thinking about going red even though i've never dyed my hair before.
M: red?
L: yeah, what do you think?
M: no.
L: but...
M: no.
L: not even like some highlights or something?
M: no. you can't do red.
ahahahaha! i love her and have never dyed my hair even though other suggestions were made after that. when i mentioned this drastic haircut idea to her a few months ago she nearly slapped me on the back of the head. hilarious! can't wait to see her tomorrow. we always have a fine time catching up and making each other giggle like kids in class.
aaanyway, this is where my head be at today. where your head be at?
enjoy this beautiful weather, and another day on this little blue ball. love to all! (heh. i made a rhyme)
adieu for now,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
green acres
npr's & frisbees
good morning kiddos! 'tis thursday and i'm catching up on NPR's song of the day(s)...songs of the day? i never know how to pluralize things like that. aaaanyway, i'm catching up, eating breakfast, chugging coffee, and reviewing a few days worth of photographs before posting them on this here postey place.
it's a lovely overcast day. days like this always put me in a good mood. a good night's rest, a series of hilarious phone conversations, and an early morning have partnered together to make that heavy mood i was in yesterday weigh quite a bit less.
i've been rather out of tune the past few days. my mind has been elsewhere, my memory has been spotty to say the least, and i simply haven't been myself. no worries though, that problem-solving minx that was kickin' around a week or so ago is back and feeling rather revitalized.
i woke up this morning about an hour earlier than usual and was filled with the desire to break out the olivetti (i haven't written anything on it in months), as well as go for a swim. creativity and action were the dominate forces in my mind first thing in the morning? that's awesome! i encourage it and am determined to nourish those inklings. i need them. if only i had someone to play frisbee with me today after work. i've been in a frisbee-playing mood for about a week. not sure what that's about except i have some kind of energy trying to be released apparantly.
well, i reckon i better refill this coffee cup and get to gettin'. here's a song that i've been enjoying this morning, a tribute to one of my favourite singer/songwriters, elliott smith who has been gone from this world for an unbelievable seven years now. enjoy.
it's a lovely overcast day. days like this always put me in a good mood. a good night's rest, a series of hilarious phone conversations, and an early morning have partnered together to make that heavy mood i was in yesterday weigh quite a bit less.
i've been rather out of tune the past few days. my mind has been elsewhere, my memory has been spotty to say the least, and i simply haven't been myself. no worries though, that problem-solving minx that was kickin' around a week or so ago is back and feeling rather revitalized.
i woke up this morning about an hour earlier than usual and was filled with the desire to break out the olivetti (i haven't written anything on it in months), as well as go for a swim. creativity and action were the dominate forces in my mind first thing in the morning? that's awesome! i encourage it and am determined to nourish those inklings. i need them. if only i had someone to play frisbee with me today after work. i've been in a frisbee-playing mood for about a week. not sure what that's about except i have some kind of energy trying to be released apparantly.
well, i reckon i better refill this coffee cup and get to gettin'. here's a song that i've been enjoying this morning, a tribute to one of my favourite singer/songwriters, elliott smith who has been gone from this world for an unbelievable seven years now. enjoy.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
lu & the rain dancers
happy wednesday friends. i had a long, weird day yesterday. i slept hard last night (so hard i lost my right contact...). a lot of thinky stuff. some unfortunate social stuff, and a hard rain created the perfect, ahem, storm for me to sleep in a crumpled ball in the far upper corner of my bed. today i'm going to work hard at being in a better mood even though i know i'm going to have to dig really deep to find it the energy. but dammit, i'm nothing if not a stubbourn optimist.
i'm looking forward to coming home tonight and relaxing. i see tubby time and laundry in my future. that is all for the moment. i must now run off to work.
adieu for now, lovies.
*more pictures and more focused posts to come. probably tonight while i'm jam jammin' it at the chateau. have a beautiful day!
i'm looking forward to coming home tonight and relaxing. i see tubby time and laundry in my future. that is all for the moment. i must now run off to work.
adieu for now, lovies.
*more pictures and more focused posts to come. probably tonight while i'm jam jammin' it at the chateau. have a beautiful day!
Monday, May 17, 2010
home and chillin'
wowsa. good afternoon friends! i'm back at the chateau after a fun-filled weekend at the beach and out in the woods. i am so grateful for my day off that i am going to wring every last drop of awesome enjoyment out of it that i can. i played frisbee, played in the sand, went swimming in the country, sang super loudly to cd's in the car; and am now enjoying my mac & cheese, half-listening to the weather channel in the background (storm stories) and am happily ensconced in chill-out mode.
i see tubby time in my future, and perhaps the pool too. probably in a different order though. it's beginning to get so hot already that the only things that sound good are water and more water. i surely hope your respective weekends have been tremendously fun and that your mondays are painless. i have a heart filled with happiness and a pleasantly wandering mind. love to you wonderful people who take a moment and check in with me. it's so nice to have y'all to talk to. heh. i'm kind of attached to writing this thing every day.
adieu for now,
i see tubby time in my future, and perhaps the pool too. probably in a different order though. it's beginning to get so hot already that the only things that sound good are water and more water. i surely hope your respective weekends have been tremendously fun and that your mondays are painless. i have a heart filled with happiness and a pleasantly wandering mind. love to you wonderful people who take a moment and check in with me. it's so nice to have y'all to talk to. heh. i'm kind of attached to writing this thing every day.
adieu for now,
Saturday, May 15, 2010
good morning friends! 'tis saturday and i have but a moment before scurrying off to work to say a little howdy and drop off the pictures i neglected to post yesterday. i slept decedantly late this morning and am currently typing furiously with a towel-turban on my head. last night i thoroughly enjoyed my night in. two telephonic base-touchings did me right, as did the cheap champagne i bought for myself, and the company of V who let me play her music and make mix CD's for her for hours. i'm beyond giddy that my weekend will be beginning in a matter of hours and i will be heading to the beach. i am not giddy however, that i now have to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off so i can make it in to work on time. love to you all! more to come, i promise!
adieu for now,
yesterday at the shop. not an interesting picture or anything but there ya have it.
adieu for now,
Friday, May 14, 2010
majorette leadin' the parade o' good vibes
how do, kiddies? 'tis friday and i am in the best mood. only a day and a half left of work before the weekend begins, and i have a mind full of exciting ideas. the left hemisphere of my brain is firing at the same speed as my right it seems, and it has me feeling like i can take on the world... or at least my world (which is a nice change from how i have been feeling over the past few months).
tonight i plan on having one of my lu fridays at home. i love those fridays. where i take an obscenely long bath, listen to music, problem-solve, organize (if'n so inclined), go to bed earlyish and wake up on saturday feeling fabulous.
i've been missing my bk gal pal a lot lately. i get to see her soon enough but it sure would be nice to get a little bestie fix face-to-face to make this good day even better. well, like i said, soon enough! i'm crossing the days off of my calendar like a little kid waiting for summer vacation to start. i know she is too.
well, darlins...i best get to gettin'. i hope your friday is everything you need or want it to be after a long week. salut!
adieu for now,
tonight i plan on having one of my lu fridays at home. i love those fridays. where i take an obscenely long bath, listen to music, problem-solve, organize (if'n so inclined), go to bed earlyish and wake up on saturday feeling fabulous.
i've been missing my bk gal pal a lot lately. i get to see her soon enough but it sure would be nice to get a little bestie fix face-to-face to make this good day even better. well, like i said, soon enough! i'm crossing the days off of my calendar like a little kid waiting for summer vacation to start. i know she is too.
well, darlins...i best get to gettin'. i hope your friday is everything you need or want it to be after a long week. salut!
adieu for now,
Thursday, May 13, 2010
pictcha from wednesday
mornings at the speed of light
how do, friends? 'tis thursday, methinks. i've had a good week, finally getting over the cold. enjoying the company of friends. gearing up for three more days of work before the weekend begins for me. having some cell phone issues, so i apologize to those of you out there who are experiencing the affects of it.
last night i went to clusters & hops. i haven't been there in so long. maybe a year? and i got their "crack-in-a-crock" macaroni & cheese with truffle oil yadda yadda. goooooooood grief. it was delicious. i woke up this morning ready to have it for breakfast. well, anything for breakfast would be awesome right now because i haven't gone to the grocery store in over a week!
once again i find that my morning has fizzled away before me and i must begin getting ready for work before i actually say anything of substance on this little ole blog.
but in all honesty, my head is in a funny, problem-solving mode right now and i don't have much to say that i haven't already in one post or another. i've, of course, been thinking a lot. rather inspired as well. trying to hold on to it and not let it disintigrate like my beautiful morning time has a tendency to do.
more to come, lovies!
last night i went to clusters & hops. i haven't been there in so long. maybe a year? and i got their "crack-in-a-crock" macaroni & cheese with truffle oil yadda yadda. goooooooood grief. it was delicious. i woke up this morning ready to have it for breakfast. well, anything for breakfast would be awesome right now because i haven't gone to the grocery store in over a week!
once again i find that my morning has fizzled away before me and i must begin getting ready for work before i actually say anything of substance on this little ole blog.
but in all honesty, my head is in a funny, problem-solving mode right now and i don't have much to say that i haven't already in one post or another. i've, of course, been thinking a lot. rather inspired as well. trying to hold on to it and not let it disintigrate like my beautiful morning time has a tendency to do.
more to come, lovies!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
everywhere but here
i still have the sniffles but i'm doing alright. lots o' water, emergen-C, miso yadda yadda yadda.
today i'm back work, sans-coffee and sans-belt (my britches keep falling down!) but in a pretty decent head space. i'm thinking a lot about moving, perhaps going back to school (oi!), and what kind of job i want to look for wherever i may go... i am leaning toward one city in particular but i'm keeping my trap shut for now and going to let my gut keep directing me.
the biggest thing i have to get done before i leave ole tally is get every damn tooth in my head fixed. it's so daunting thinking about how much i have to have done and how much it's going to hurt that i haven't made any progress in getting it over with. typical lu. i'm on it though. begrudgingly calling the dentist to see if there is any space left in his busy schedule to give me a new head o' teef. heh. ish kabibble. i'm in a silly, rather scattered mood today. oh, just saying "scattered" made me want a big pile of hash browns from the waffle house. that sounds amazing! guess who didn't have breakfast this morning either? i know, right?! i rarely ever go without breakfast but it was out of my hands this morning. *sigh* hashbrownnnsssssss.
adieu for now, my darlings.
top pic: talkin' on the phone on ma day off.
bottom pic: playin' wif my new camera at work this morning.
Monday, May 10, 2010
thursday night...lee's, sparkling shiraz, awesome company.

i didn't actually see the majesty of the vanagon firsthand, but mississippi sent it to me and it made me happy so i decided to make it my picture for the day for the blog at least.

lu driving to the beach to see her mama. great food, tons of laughs, music, and wine. awesome.
top pic: playing with my new camera and resting since what? that's right, since i got sick again. it's just a cold, but dammit! i don't like it.
more to come, kiddos. adieu for now!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
weekends with mama
hello kiddies. 'tis saturday (my bk gal pal's 29th birfday...wish i was celebratin' up there with you ladybug!!) and i'm off to apalachicola for some awesome mama-daughter time. i am very much looking forward to the Q time, shuffling through the town, drinking coffee, and altogether being girly with my mama. i probably won't be able to post while i'm over there, and i will have pictures from thursday-monday by the time i get back. hopefully this tickle in my throat is just allergies and not the plague that has been haunting me since february (though that is totally what it feels like...i do not want to be sick AGAIN).
so, friends, enjoy your weekend. give yer mama a call or go hug her neck. love to all!
adieu for now,
so, friends, enjoy your weekend. give yer mama a call or go hug her neck. love to all!
adieu for now,
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
good morning friends! 'tis thursday and whoo! did i have a fun cinco de mayo. it's been a busy week with friends coming into town, and preparing to leave town this weekend for some mother-daughter happy time. but i'm doing really well and having tons o' fun.
tonight i plan on having dinner and wine with my friend, mississip. maybe stroll around lake ella because it's nice out and the skeeters ain't bitin' quite yet.
my camera is being whackadoodle again and may need to be replaced soon. so no picture today, but i will post them tomorrow. in the meantime i will be fantasizing about which little camera i will get...this little nerd wants to run out and get an issue of consumer reports and read up on all the specs. heh. i'm just like my dad in that sense. isn't it funny when you see little things you do that are exactly like something your parents do? i take a great deal of enjoyment out of that. sometimes. sometimes i'm just surprised at what little genetic and personality traits that are present. heh.
enough for now. i must do the work thing. i hope you are enjoying your day lovelies!
tonight i plan on having dinner and wine with my friend, mississip. maybe stroll around lake ella because it's nice out and the skeeters ain't bitin' quite yet.
my camera is being whackadoodle again and may need to be replaced soon. so no picture today, but i will post them tomorrow. in the meantime i will be fantasizing about which little camera i will get...this little nerd wants to run out and get an issue of consumer reports and read up on all the specs. heh. i'm just like my dad in that sense. isn't it funny when you see little things you do that are exactly like something your parents do? i take a great deal of enjoyment out of that. sometimes. sometimes i'm just surprised at what little genetic and personality traits that are present. heh.
enough for now. i must do the work thing. i hope you are enjoying your day lovelies!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
because i was too lazy to post one last night and hadn't taken one by the time i posted this morning...
yesterday: they call her the blur.
this morning, seven waiting in the shower to get scrubbed within an inch of his life. little mitter felt awfully feisty after that and ran around the chateau in circles and played with his favourite tennis ball. at's ma boy.
hello muddah...
g'mornin'. 'tis tuesday. i spent most of the evening cleaning the chateau last night; well, after having had a lovely dinner with my twinsie...then i went home and cleaned. the chateau looks great! i rearranged some artwork and furniture. now i have a little t.v. area and a reading nook. i want to do something different with my bed but i think i'll just leave it where it is for now. when it comes to rearranging and redecorating, i have to say i come by it honestly. my mom and i share this hobby/addiction.
waking up on saturday mornings as a kid, there was a darn good chance the living room would have a new configuration. the sofa would be on it's back and my mom would be toolin' away with a staple gun like a mechanic on an old chevy. there would be squares of paint samples painted on a wall and fabric draped across this or that. i love it. we always tease her a little about it but i'm the exact same way.
it clears the psyche and represents for us, where we are at the time. the funky little shack was always cluttured. i liked it though because i needed the nesty comfort of a house stacked to the brim. it was my first nest, you know? the chateau is different. it still has a lot in it (a kajillion art prints here and there) but it's clearer. less clutter. less furniture, fewer tchotchkes. i do love a tchotchke though, friends lemme tell ya.
ha! so, thank you mom for the quirky things we share. i wouldn't have it any other way. love you!
love to you, my friends, as well. enjoy this day!
waking up on saturday mornings as a kid, there was a darn good chance the living room would have a new configuration. the sofa would be on it's back and my mom would be toolin' away with a staple gun like a mechanic on an old chevy. there would be squares of paint samples painted on a wall and fabric draped across this or that. i love it. we always tease her a little about it but i'm the exact same way.
it clears the psyche and represents for us, where we are at the time. the funky little shack was always cluttured. i liked it though because i needed the nesty comfort of a house stacked to the brim. it was my first nest, you know? the chateau is different. it still has a lot in it (a kajillion art prints here and there) but it's clearer. less clutter. less furniture, fewer tchotchkes. i do love a tchotchke though, friends lemme tell ya.
ha! so, thank you mom for the quirky things we share. i wouldn't have it any other way. love you!
love to you, my friends, as well. enjoy this day!
Monday, May 3, 2010
busy mind
good morning, campers. 'tis monday and i am more than ill-prepared to have my work week starting again so soon. one day off doesn't do it, man. i had a terribly enjoyable night last night. porchin' it with a ladyfriend listening to kitty wells and loretta lynn, then getting schmancy and going to an art film screening with another friend. fun stuff.
meanwhile, i woke up to the horrible realization that the city i was born in and love is under water. it's frightening. i've checked with my family up there and they are safe at the moment, so that makes me feel a little better. but people are dying and the river keeps rising. it has turned into a pretty epic, awful thing. keep that situation in your thoughts and prayers, folks.
on another note, the oil spill. the infuriating, devastating shitstorm of an oil spill. i've already filled out my volunteer application with the audubon society. thinking about what this is going to do to the wildlife has had me nearly in tears and hyperventilating for a week now. the 14 sea turtles that washed up dead yesterday breaks my heart. this is unbelievably bad. if you are interested in helping (and if you live near or love the coast, or you simply care that entire clusters of wildlife are being horribly threatened you should be) go to or . our beautiful wildlife is at terrible immediate and long-term risk.
i'm terribly bothered and saddened by these disasters. i had them on the backburner of my mind for a few days (selfishly) but i can't ignore them any more. i am, however, refusing to feel as if my hands are tied. i'm going to do whatever i can to help. and so are a lot of people i know in town. that makes me feel a little better.
well, friends. i must get ready for work. *sigh* my mind is all over the place this morning. sheeeesh. oh, and i'll have a picture posted either tonight or tomorrow. my camera battery is dead after the awesomesauce porch time with my lady friend yesterday.
adieu for now,
meanwhile, i woke up to the horrible realization that the city i was born in and love is under water. it's frightening. i've checked with my family up there and they are safe at the moment, so that makes me feel a little better. but people are dying and the river keeps rising. it has turned into a pretty epic, awful thing. keep that situation in your thoughts and prayers, folks.
on another note, the oil spill. the infuriating, devastating shitstorm of an oil spill. i've already filled out my volunteer application with the audubon society. thinking about what this is going to do to the wildlife has had me nearly in tears and hyperventilating for a week now. the 14 sea turtles that washed up dead yesterday breaks my heart. this is unbelievably bad. if you are interested in helping (and if you live near or love the coast, or you simply care that entire clusters of wildlife are being horribly threatened you should be) go to or . our beautiful wildlife is at terrible immediate and long-term risk.
i'm terribly bothered and saddened by these disasters. i had them on the backburner of my mind for a few days (selfishly) but i can't ignore them any more. i am, however, refusing to feel as if my hands are tied. i'm going to do whatever i can to help. and so are a lot of people i know in town. that makes me feel a little better.
well, friends. i must get ready for work. *sigh* my mind is all over the place this morning. sheeeesh. oh, and i'll have a picture posted either tonight or tomorrow. my camera battery is dead after the awesomesauce porch time with my lady friend yesterday.
adieu for now,
Sunday, May 2, 2010
a fine day to be privy to
a beautiful, cloudy, windy sunday for lu. yay! you know it's my favourite weather and you know since it's my beloved day off that i am determined to enjoy it. last night i didn't do a bloody thing but lay in bed, talk on the phone with funny, wonderful people and listen to music. it was rad rad rad.
there was not a damn thing that could have gotten me out of bed aside from some gorgeous man waving a pint of half baked ice cream in front of my face. i'm not sure that would have done it either, honestly. but i was happy to stay home and avoid the inevitable fray in town this weekend. me no likey crowds and there were a buttload of people in town for graduation. *shudder*
today i have a lot of things i should be getting done, but i'm not worried about them. i am sipping coffee, watching the affects the wind on the spanish moss hanging from the oak in the yard. i'm working on mixes for friends and my mama, and feeling very proud of myself for saying some things i needed to say last night.
i literally could sit down with a pound of dark chocolate and hallmark movies and cry my way through the magnificent hormone festival i have found myself in; and honestly, i wouldn't put it past me except it would be ridiculous and i'd rather hang out with my gf and laughing, be eating a cabo blt from my favourite diner and bouncin' around to the new music i got last night. broads, bacon & bouncin' win every time.
adieu for now, lovies.
*today's pic: top 'o the eyebrow to ya!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
i am a walking snooze button
today's pic: so tired at work that i'm basically a statue. hence my boss decorating me while i sat in the back room checking the store's email.
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