good day to you friends! 'tis monday. i'm sleepy. it's dark and overcast out today, my favourite weather (if it were only 20 degrees cooler, it'd be the perfect weather). i want to stay inside and create and nap and watch movies and eat comfort food. you know, snugged-in things.
well, we had a good weekend. we didn't do too much. i checked a few things off of the ole 29 things list. we watched easy rider and curb your enthusiasm. we drank tremendous amounts of coffee. i watched a lady get hit by a duck. yes, a duck. i almost got hit by one two days before that.
spring is a dangerous time of year. oh, but i digress. here is the updates on my 29 project.
1. i haven't made any clothing yet, but i've been researching patterns and am getting ready to start! i'm really excited about it.
2. the same goes for my pillow project.
3. i designed some furniture ideas several weeks ago, but have since gotten sidetracked by an idea for a dollhouse i kinda want to make.
4. i haven't learned how to make gyoza & sauce yet, but i've contemplating ordering them from the chinese place around the corner several times.
5. i haven't mastered any yoga moves yet, but i'm a step closer than i was before because i have since begun stretching regularly which has does wonders and has me motivated to work on that item on my list.
6. i have not made a handmade book yet, but i have the supplies now! i'm once again a step closer than i was before. it seems like i haven't done anything on my list but i have been making baby steps, i swear!
7. i have been researching little felt creatures and i'm super-excited to get into it again. i need to get a new felting needle and found a really cute one on etsy, that i think i may get for myself.
8. i began brainstorming song ideas i may want to try. as for the melody, i know not. i'm horrible with melodies.
9. i was thisclose to making something out of sculpey last night but for some reason i put it back at the store and decided against it. i'm not really sure why, i guess my motivation dissipated.
10. i have been researching clothing choices to invest in. it's really fun and slightly depressing.
11. i cannot fathom which trend i will try. nothing seems to inspire me.
12. i have begun condensing my belongings. it feels good. a big yard sale is around the corner for this very reason!
13. i haven't canned a darn thing.
14. i have begun composting! yessss!
15. i have been keeping a journal almost every single day. yesssss!
16. i have begun a vegetable garden, but have yet to begin an herb garden. that's so like me to do the harder things first.
17. i have been very inspired to make a rag rug this weekend. i think i may just begin it this afternoon! yay!
18. getting ready for the shampoo alternative. i think april may be the month!
19. i completed the 5th book out of 29 i'm trying to read this year. i am several pages in to #6. go me!
20. i haven't learned how to cook fish 3 ways yet, but i found a roasted tilapia recipe i am really looking forward to trying.
21. of course i haven't painted a still-life yet.
22. i have found the wiglet i want and am saving up to buy it. that is such a weird sentence.
23. i have been meditating every day for 19 days, then i skipped a day and made myself start over at #1 on saturday. darn it. still successful though!
24. i haven't started learning french or relearning spanish but i have been reading some french and spanish periodicals trying to acclimate (and reacclimate) myself to the languages.
25. i have yet to refinish the dresser and mirror, but oddly enough my mom mentioned it last night at family dinner, so i may just try to persuade her to spend an afternoon helping me do so before we move.
26. i haven't learned to play any instruments yet, but have been desperately missing the drums, so papa may just loan me his old drum machine from the 80's (that i LOVE), so i can play with it all summer long.
27. i have been writing every day and am having a tremendously good time with it.
28. i have not sheared (shorn?) a sheep, but i did spend almost two hours with shears...shearing seven. like a pound and a half of fur, i'm not kidding. it sounds silly and after talking with my friend miss taylor about how sheep often get a little bit cut and bloody after such an even (and i almost passed out); i am really considering seven's lightening a successful sheep shearing equivalent.
29. i was supposed to make cheese with miss taylor this weekend but i totally flaked. that one is completely on me. oh well, i am going to do it for sure!
and that is all for now, friends.