Tuesday, December 8, 2009

*cue the golden girls theme song*

good afternoon, friends. that's right, i said afternoon. i didn't have the luxury of extra time to sit and write this morning. so here i am a little tardy.
well, it's a hazy, grey day here in tally. family dinner got cancelled tonight so i will be up at mi casa having a blast with the pup and cleaning. the budget is supertight this week and i've done a truly crappy job of not using my credit card this month. come this paycheck that will change.
i've had an interesting day. a lot of conversations about a lot of things with a lot of people. it's a little exhausting but it's a good exhausting i think.
i feel i am really fortunate to have the people in my life that i do. now, while i do often express gratitude for my truly awesome family (and they are truly awesome), today my focus is on my friends.
each person i bring into my world meets a purpose. how lovely is that? i have exceptional friends that each love and support me uniquely.
last year i completed an epic battle with myself and a lot of people in this town. i fought to be loved and supported for who i am (horrific faults and all) and i lost a lot of people. that was a very hard thing to deal with. losing people who i had put a lot of energy into caring for.
today i am happy though, because many burned bridges have been cleared away to make room for new ones (perhaps built from less flammable materials). the river below them is no longer raging, but moving forward at a nice, quick pace. and i am blessed enough to have my life filled with laughter.
i'm feeling very grateful for all of you today. loves!
adieu for now,


Suzanne said...

b wants you to know he is eating pork rinds and cheese while I read today's blog to he and bailey. Please do not judge us by the food we eat! I'm glad you are building new bridges honey, you are an eternal doozer always building and eating radish sticks, no, that's B!

lulu said...

that was the most adorable thing to read first thing in the morning. the second fraggle reference of the day and i've been up for 30 minutes! radish sticks. oh! that brought me joy. i always loved them.

Anonymous said...

I posted your blog on twitter. Did you hear the tweet? Love to read your mind! Keep up your wonderful writing!

Love you,


lulu said...

thanks dad...er colby!