good morning, campers! 'tis tuesday (already?! where does the time go?) and it's a fantastically stormy day here in tallanasty. the air is a weird pink colour almost as if a hurricane was on its way (though, when that happens the air is a weird green colour; but i'm pretending a little today). stormy days are always my favourite. don't get me wrong, a sunny day is great. but nothing but sunny days all the time is the epitome of boring in my book. i would be miserable in southern california. all that bloody sunshine and cloudless skies?! ick. grody. give me a good stormy breeze, and a nice old fashioned thunderstorm. mississippi is the same way (except he loves san fran). methinks we have a future on the new england coast, or seattle, or london. mehopes anyway.well, i'm here to post my galette recipe challenge. it was delicious! well, it still is. it made a huge dessert (especially for just two people who don't eat much dessert) to tackle. regardless, it was incredibly delicious. tart and cinnamony with a buttery flakey crust. wowza. i would love to make it with berries for the holidays. yum!
okay so here's how it all went down (and excuse that there are not any "prep" pictures; my cameraman was unavailable for the prep time photography).
steps 1 & 2: get two 9" refrigerated pie crusts (from the biscuit section of the grocery store) and stack them on top of one another on a floured surface. roll them out until it makes about a 16" circle. then move it to parchment paper on a baking sheet and spread apricot preserves in the center of the circle leaving a good 2.5" border. the recipe called for 2" border but it did not seem like enough upon execution.
steps 3 & 4 & 5: cut up three apples (i chose jazz apples because they are tart and i really don't like super sweet apples), and three pears (i chose green bartletts, but i think the red ones would be delicious too). then splash lemon juice across the fruit and sprinkle in several pinches of all-purpose flour, granulated sugar, and cinnamon. i get a little heavy-handed with cinnamon because it smells sooooo amazing. mix it all up and plop it on top of the apricot preserves. then pull the 2.5" border around the fruit, making kind of a bread bowl, if you will. leaving the inside open, then brush one egg around the pastry so it gets all brown and crispy when it cooks.

steps 6 & 7: sprinkle a little bit of sugar on top then bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 55 minutes. while that is baking, put several big spoonfuls of apricot preserves in a sauce pot with a little bit of water and several spoonfuls of sugar. note: i don't like to be all measurey, sorry. let that simmer down into a glaze of sorts. after the galette bakes, pull it out of the oven and brush on the apricot mixture. let everything cool then ta da!! dive in! i highly recommend using a pizza cutter to divvy it up. it's just easier. try it, it honestly is so easy and looks so nice when it's done (that it seems waaaay more gourmet fancy pants than it really is!). try it for the holidays, it is super delicious and quite impressive.
later lovies!
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