Thursday, September 3, 2009

what would smokey the bear say?

hello friends!
have you ever had one of those days where you just have to completely burn out and cry and be livid or upset before you can be a functioning human again? allowing yourself a temporary insanity to prevent it from becoming a permanent insanity? that was me yesterday. chalk part of it up to hormones. whore-mones is more like it. lord have mercy. the other factors are indeed real players, if not amorpheous, as always.

it was like a controlled burning for my psyche yesterday. i had to torch the place before new growth and pretty flowers would be allowed to spring forth.

unfortunately, i set my magnifying glass to just a few ants and scorched them within an inch of their lives before i figure out the whole forest was burning, not the anthill.

sufficed to say, thanks to senor mas' patience, a two-hour bath, and 3/4 of a bottle of wine, i am somewhat less of a fire-starter than i was yesterday. hide the matches anyway.
adieu for now,


Anonymous said...

I don't think it was do to "whore-mones". Did I miss something fun?

lulu said...

naw, i was just calling my hormones, whore-mones. they beat me up prit good.