yay! i started one of my big projects whilst simultaneously checking off step two of a smaller project. i am rather proud of myself.

it is still a work in progress. i have a ton of organizing to do but, i got such a tremendous amount done in three hours that i cannot stop patting myself on the back. these little tiny accomplishments have done wonders for my psyche and homegirl needed some assistance in that area.
so, this morning i am sitting at my desk (instead of slumped on the couch) looking at jars filled with watercolour markers and crayons and alphabet stamps. the delight! outside on my balcony is a table i found while dumpster diving one brunch morning about 9 months ago. i decided to sand, prime, and paint said table and maybe sell it at the shop, or on etsy. while my procrastination got the better of me, a friend of mine successfully refurbished a similar table for her house. i hung my head in shame while my table sat outside half-sanded for about two months.
last night i finished getting her primed. now i get to go through my paint fans and pick out a groovy colour. yes, i do get excited over paint fans, i have three.
anyway, friends, here are some pictures of my exciting progress. happy friday!

Sweetheart, that looks amazing!
I am jealous of your fabu comfy abode.
I, myself, will try to start the painting adventure this weekend.
i didn't say "that looks amazing". someone is posing as me and giving me compliments.
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