Friday, January 15, 2010

pragmatic, goal-oriented lu

howdy!!! well, it's friday thank goodness! only one more day of work before my weekend officially begins. tonight, i plan on enjoying myself just a little bit. a pre-weekend as it were because i envy my friends who enjoy that relief that friday evenings bring. me wants some of that!

last night i had a great guitar lesson and just a fun evening in general. it sent me through a long friday with a little bit of bounce in my step. not that i have a terribly bouncy bounce in my step considering the onslaught of bizarre dreams i have been having lately have left me a little drowsy; but i have been in an amiable mood all day long. how nice!

tonight my goals are as follows:

1. laugh a lot preferably until my eyes tear up a little.

2. engage people with sincerity, and delight in their company.

3. avoid awkward moments as much as possible...if possible. ha!

4. not torment my body too much since i have to go to work in the morning.

5. shake ma bootie.

i love being goal-oriented! i think i can wrap my head around this to-do list. well, most of it!

happity friday fellers!

much love and merriment to you!


*today's pic: friday party pants

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