good morning friends, we're on day two! do you know how hard it is to practice being a vegetarian while at the cracker barrel? pretty darn challenging to tell you the truth. but i ate my black eyed peas (and applesauce, steak fries, and green beans) like a good girl.
today i am feeling a little funny. well-rested on the verge of over-rested. i slept hard, partially because i didn't get a lot of sleep the night before, and partially because i did my meditation before bed; and by the last breath of it my body had almost gone completely limp. ha! meditation lightweight.
today i am drinking coffee and listening to bon iver. most likely another reason why my mood is sooooo lowkey today. i am hoping to get some things crossed off of the ole to-do list today (i cannot believe it is saturday already), plus make some time for a date with a delightful friend. i have put off so many things over the course of this
breakcation but i was hoping to actually DO some stuff today. basic, practical things have fallen to the wayside in favour of making memories and being a little antagonistic to my body. but i wasn't cruel to it yesterday and i won't be today either. yay me!
one of the things i wanted to work on this year is reading all the books in my house. so i'm going to attempt to read at least two books a month every month this year. my first book of the year is called 29 Gifts (How A Month Of Giving Can Change Your Life) by Cami Walker. it is book detailing a plan that opens yourself up for positive things to happen to you by focusing your energies on helping other people. it's pretty cool and i wanted to start the year off on a positive, open, and more giving note. in fact one of my other resolutions (i think i'm up to 8 or 9 at this point) is to give more in kindness to others. it can be so hard for me to step outside of myself. i can almost always give encouraging words but feel like i just kind of fall short after that. however accurate that statement is in reality, it's just how i feel sometimes.
well, that is where i am at today...thanks for stopping by my little corner of the universe for a skinny minute. i hope your day is incredibly rad (and practical if need be) too!
adieu for now, friends! i'm off to make my bed!
*top image is my backyard view this beautiful morning. i love the way the sun moves around there.
*here's me and the buddy enjoying our morning together. he was whimpering because i was keeping him from his tennis ball. love that nutty buddy.
1 comment:
hope you have a very nice saturday sweetie, you know some bunny loves you! and a nutter butter.xxxooo
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