today has been very nice. i've had the joy of having several visitors at the shop today which has put many a smile on this face. today has also been a tad trying, seeing as the apartment i was really excited about and attempting to rent was rented out from under me and i spent my lunch break driving all over town trying to find another place. oi. but as my good friend said, this just means something else will come up because it wasn't meant to be at that other place.
last night was awesome. i took a long walk in the woods with the little man, had family dinner and cocktails with friends. lots of fun on all accounts. mama and b made chicken & dumplings and my friends made me laugh. splendiferous.
tonight i was supposed to go out and have fabulous conversations with two different wonderful friends of mine, but guess who is absolutely exhausted? oh yeah. this old broad.
i'm in the burgeoning stages of OPERATION MOVE and all i want to do is start selling stuff and packing the rest away for the transition. perhaps if i can keep my sorry butt from procrastinating and feeling overwhelmed then perhaps i can actually get some things accomplished tonight.
on a lighter note, i have so much recycling saved up at the shack (because there are no recycling services there) that i am really tempted to get up at the crack of dawn and drive around the neighbourhood behind my apartment and start putting it in people's bins. guerilla recycling at its finest. i kid you not, i think i have ten paper bags filled that are occupying my kitchen and closet out on the balcony. that's a little embarrassing to admit actually.
there you have it, guys. this is my life today. interesting stuff, right? perhaps more to come later...who knows?
adieu for now,
today's pic: one of my little surprise visitors, andrew. adurable!
he is precious Lu, as far as the lost apt. In all things give thanks and know something worthwhile is out there waiting for you.xxxooo
isn't he a doll. he had froggy slippers on, mama. you would have melted. and thanks about the apartment. i'm hoping something turns up soon.
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