'sup kids? 'tis tuesday and i am in a fabulous mood, and i'm almost feeling 100% human again. thank goodness. i'm also in warp speed trying to get details figured out for the move this weekend. the end of february kind of snuck up on me, to tell you the truth. losing a week to the plague didn't help with that. so, today i'm focusing on boxing up the stuff i don't need to take with me to the new place (tchotchkes anyone?), finding a storage unit, and securing some assistance for relocating the heavy stuff friday night through sunday night. after that the shack is no longer mine, and it must be left clean and spackled. wow. let the countdown begin.

today it is beautiful outside (i mean gorgeous!) and i am kept busy at work, which is fine with me. tonight will be the first regularly held family dinner this month. my birthday threw us off one week and the plague did the second week. it'll be nice to get back to our normal rhythms. whatever a normal rhythm in my world means. heh.
more later, friends. i hope your day is calm and lovely!
*today's pic: boxing up a myriad of tchotchkes.
1 comment:
I can help you pack thursday honey, I'm off and just have a 3pm dr. appt. is all.xxoo
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