i am grappling with how exactly to make lemonade today. just like building the house i mentioned in my post this morning.
i have the lemons, and i have the sugar, i just can't seem to get lemonade out of it. what to do?
ah well, in an hour and a half i will get to go home. in the meantime i am trying to be productive without losing patience. it is not easy. not easy at all. it seems all i want to do is disappear and yet i don't feel defeated or anything.
curiouser and curiouser, alice. indeed.
adieu for now,
p.s. as always i went looking for an inspirational quote to help me get through today without being a total jerk to people who don't deserve it; and for the third time in recent weeks ralph waldo emerson provided the right words when i needed it.
it was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "always do what you are afraid to do." -ralph waldo emerson
All you have to do is mix some fresh squeezed lemon juice and water, then you just stir that with your finger for about 5 seconds per liter.
aw shucks, hon! i ain't that sweet!
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