ever have one of those days where every other word out of your mouth that seems even remotely capable of describing your aggravation is f**k? i'm trying not to let this day turn into that. well, at least not stay that way.
i don't want to ask "what else can go wrong" because today is the day that if it could happen, it will. no me gusta!
perhaps i should just go to a meeting tonight. i haven't gone to one this july. i've been tired every monday night, and i don't like the wednesday meetings. too cardboard.
perhaps i should write in my new journal made from a repro of a joe cocker record. i found it rife with meaning.
perhaps "a little help from my friends" is indeed in order. friends friends, family friends, meeting friends, puppy friends. now i need a therapist friend to make the list complete. hardeeharhar.
can you tell i missed writing yesterday? three posts in two hours is a bit overkill, eh? oh well. it's my blog, i can post if i want to. post if i want to. post if i want to.
adieu for now,
p.s. keep that positive energy flowin' to me, people, i need it something fierce!
ummm, hellooooo? work friends?? zzzzzaaaaapppp! boom! alacazam! (positive energy sent)
thank you muffin!!!! much appreciated!
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