i'm not sure if it stems from watching hours of david the gnome when i was a kid; or the fact that i would simply love a pet fox that would be my pal and go on adventures with me (i even thought about naming seven Swift), but i totally like gnomes and faeries. not in an "i also love lisafrank and unicorns and collect figurines and shit" kind of way. i just like to think they really are out there living in trees.
it's a childlike enjoyment. whatever. i can't justify it or make it sound cooler than it is. so, on to the rant.
i went to search for the images of these, and dear lord, the crap that came up instead. what is some of this shit? it's frightening. especially since there is an entire niche market devoted to naked gnomes and defecating gnomes.
i went to search for the images of these, and dear lord, the crap that came up instead. what is some of this shit? it's frightening. especially since there is an entire niche market devoted to naked gnomes and defecating gnomes.
warning: if you do not want to see either one of those or think you may be offended by the sight of them, then do not scroll down.
for the rest of you perverts, a sampling of the insanity that comes from searching the interwebs for garden gnomes. the second pic is my favourite of (nearly) all time. schlissweitz (i have no idea how to actually spell that but those of you who also watched david the gnome, you get it). enjoy!

LOL. I want the first one!! It looks helpless since its pants are down...Gnomes scare me.
I love that I got you looking at gnomes too.
My obession started when I thought about moving out, how I wanted gnomes to stick in cupboards, closets, and behind stuff so when people saw them, they'd be surprised. Or scared. Didn't matter.
So people started sending me drunken gnomes, NASCAR gnomes (which actually might be a Santa, but whatever), Gnome on the Beach (which looks like my old Spanish prof), the infamous pirate gnome, and my favourite...all the way from Germany's Black Forest, The Gayest Gnome Who Ever Gnomed. I kid you not, glitter and butterflies, and the poor kid that was tasked with carrying through each and every airport on the way home from Germany. Awww.
Actually, the whole thing might've gotten started with an article on the Gnome Liberation Army. Wrote a story about it once, too.
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