Tuesday, July 21, 2009

elsewares continued

alright, so since i mentioned elsewares.com this morning, and i've already started getting my christmas shopping list together, i've decided to show some of the cute things i've found on there that i either really like but have no one to buy them for or i really like but refuse to buy for myself due to budget restraints. laters!

to the right is a card of a mennorah composed of a map of brooklyn subway routes.
to the left, a groovy bag. i love the shape. there's a similar one on etsy that i also have favourited.
adieu for now,

1 comment:

k.lou said...

those groove bags are hella popular. also, elsewares has extra good sales. i got my favourite purse from there (suede! shades of pink!) after waiting two solid years, but I got it.