alright, so for whomever may read this particular blog, you know i'm an organizing geek. since, my previous post was about how i want to get organized now that i'm back home from housesitting, i was perusing realsimple.com's organizing and storage tips for fun. yes, for fun.
the most genius idea ever popped out at me amongst some unattainable suggestions. despite the price tag, i think it's a superb idea!!
this is the Phil & Ted's Me Too seat. it's about fifty bucks and it's a high chair. and no, i'm not thinking of putting seven in it. real simple suggested hanging it on the side of the table to hold homework and stuff (or bills or magazines-i read at the table btw)!!! it's easy to detach and move to a desk or another table.
i think that's flippin' amazing!!!!!!
hang in there, doods. (insert geeky laugh here). weekend's a-comin'.
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