what it is, folks? i'm day-offin' it. piddling around town and running a million errands. since i have been a lady of leisure for approximately 48 whole hours and am a fan of psychological compartmentilization, i took the time to browse my fave organizing/decorating sites for some fun things to appease that same desire for compartmentalizing my apartment. i am psychologically aparmentilizing.
soooooooooooo anyway, part 2 of objects des covetes (did i pluralize my faux french properly?)
the locker clock. it's actually not called that, but that's what it flippin' is! this keen little stroke of genius goes wherever you may need a functioning clock but when you open it up... la storage.
i want one.
i want to cubby away flashlights and keys and whatever else my little heart fancies whilst being able to be aware of the time.
happy monday guys.
i would have all shown, plus a gnome.
damn, i hate rhyming.
you're a rhymnocerous and i'm a hiphopapottomus. i gotta take a break from watching flight of the conchords...
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