oh! what a delight to be surrounded by excellent music (thanks to meg and senor mas for great mix cd's btw) on a peaceful yet still successful day at work! i'm so happy to be happy today that i wanted to share some good karma quotes about kindness with you, invisible friends, who have graced me with tus ojos this fine thursday afternoon.
kindness is something i always thought was an easy thing to grasp, but it turns out, is often confused with flattery (amongst other things); and genuine kindness takes a little effort to truly get a hold of. at least, it has been that way for me in the past. but once you get it, you got it and the difference between kindness and all the other things out there becomes glaringly apparant. yay evolution!
kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. -mother theresa
you cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. -ralph waldo emerson
compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves. -pema chodron
kindness in words creates confidence. kindness in thinking creates profoundness. kindness in giving creates love. -lao tzu
my religion is simple. my religion is kindness. -the dalai lama
kindness is something i always thought was an easy thing to grasp, but it turns out, is often confused with flattery (amongst other things); and genuine kindness takes a little effort to truly get a hold of. at least, it has been that way for me in the past. but once you get it, you got it and the difference between kindness and all the other things out there becomes glaringly apparant. yay evolution!
kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. -mother theresa
you cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. -ralph waldo emerson
compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves. -pema chodron
kindness in words creates confidence. kindness in thinking creates profoundness. kindness in giving creates love. -lao tzu
my religion is simple. my religion is kindness. -the dalai lama
1 comment:
Thanks love guru! By the way I think you're pretty and when you're next to me I get pretty giddy. Just sayin'.
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