i am pleased there are only two days left in the work week for me. it has been a rather long week filled with all kinds of things. i'm fighting something, so says the gland on the left side of my neck (i feel pretty! oh so pretty!) but i'm fighting it with all of my might; and hey! isn't friday night alright for fighting? i'm loopy this morning.
i think i have become desensitized to coffee. for what it's worth, i'm not giving up on it like i did the smokes. i'm stickin' with coffee until science discovers it leads to some rare new neurological disease. even then, i'd probably still stick with it. perhaps the caffiene-related neurological disturbances will make me smarter in areas of my brain that had previously never functioned or were never developed at all. like Powder. 

for example, perhaps ungodly amounts of caffiene could maybe one day, make me able to do my own taxes, or cook fish perfectly without fear of dying from fish poisoning, or make me able to bend spoons, or erase useless trivia from my brain to make room for really interesting conversation-type things, or maybe it will cause me to keep my mouth shut in public so that i don't look like a fool. ah, sweet coffee. the magic bullet!
p.s. i don't like sweet coffee. it's hot, straight up with a splash of milk. fyi.
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