some people get that. for some people this is not even slightly an issue. just like some people upon coming home from work, immediately take their work clothes off at the end of the day and either put them directly in the hamper or put them away in their designated places; i usually scoot them into a pile to be sorted out during my cleaning time. i do this with papers, jewelry that needs to be detangled, boxes upon boxes of items to be sorted and done away with.
i do plan for maintenance time that i can manage; but, say something throws me off-kilter (which happens regularly); like i start fighting a cold and am feeling lethargic, or i'm having a particularly daunting week at work and can barely muster seven's 30-45 minutes of walking per day let alone devoting more time on my feet hanging things up or moving at all. then what? then that little pile of scooted clothes (or papers) grows and spreads and begins to eat away at the remaining healthy parts of my brain. leaving me more lethargic and more daunted.

alas, i'm having a re-eureka moment. though the amount of energy it takes to light that little bulb above my cranium is dreadfully low and right now is just kind of flickering like those little faux candles that people put in their windows.
therefore, this evening i am sincerely hoping to gather all of the literal and mental piles together and begin newly scheduled maintenance once again. perhaps i can break this cycle and just get in the habit of doing what i need to when i need to do it.
i always think it takes more energy than it truly does.
here's hoping. happy tuesday y'all.
1 comment:
I do half the things I Need To Do as they come about, the other half gets shunted until I *have* to deal with it lest it eat me alive.
Like dishes, I may not do them immediately, but I rinse and put them in the sink. Sink's not that big, so it forces me to do dishes on a really regular basis just to keep things going.
Anything made out of paper, however, oh boy.
Not that any of this helps any, but after living in two households at either end of the extreme, this apparently has become my lifestyle.
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