good morning, world! 'tis monday and i'm actually off work! i am beyond thrilled to have slept late today and am now enjoying coffee while reading the truly terrifying article about the pneumonic plague that has emerged in china right now. so far, 2 people have died. this makes me want to check out all the books about 2012 and move into a bomb shelter. i digress.
i watched Funny People last night with senor mas. it was really good. it was funny and moving and had a lot of real stuff in it that makes it so no one is just good or just bad.
it was also much longer than i thought (2 1/2 hours!), but leslie mann was great, as was seth rogen (i have a little thang for him). adam sandler was a tad too convincing as an unlovable curmudgeon.
it was also much longer than i thought (2 1/2 hours!), but leslie mann was great, as was seth rogen (i have a little thang for him). adam sandler was a tad too convincing as an unlovable curmudgeon.
i looked up seth rogen yesterday on wikipedia, and learned that every tv show he has worked for has been cancelled shortly thereafter. i would probably develop some sort of complex about that. however, i also learned that he has been successfully writing and/or acting in comedies since he was 16 years old!!!
that makes me feel like a slacker. i really wish i had something more interesting to say about anything going on in the world today but i sadly, do not.

sidenote: probably because of the googling and the wikipedia-ing i had a dream that i was co-writing and starring in a judd apatow movie with jason segal (of whom i also have a little movie star crush on) and seth rogen. it was a fun dream. here's to monday, y'all! enjoy a couple of pics of funny cutiepies with your toaster strudel and newly developing fear of china as i am...
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