good morning world! 'tis monday and i'm in the funniest way today. it's my favourite weather (rainy pre-tropical storm weather), everything is cast in a diffused green light and eventually the wind will pick up. the live oak branches are a-swayin'. it makes me a happy girl!
i've been super reflective lately and doing a lot of stream of consciousness writing. more like a river. said writing exercises have been enlightening, frightening, hilarious, and ridiculous all on one little raft with huck & jim.
i'm super day-dreamy today, if you can't tell; wanting to revel in this mood 'til my fingers get all pruney. yes i did just reference the movie French Kiss with meg ryan and kevin kline. don't judge.
now is the time that i want to go to a meeting, write, clean, organize, write some more, somehow magically be able to play my guitar, all the while sitting on a porch i do not yet possess as i watch seven run around in circles in a yard i do not yet have at my disposal.
*sigh* life is good, if not ever-fluctuating and evolving into something new that science has no name for.
adieu for now, sweet friends.
1 comment:
That sounds lovely!
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