Monday, February 28, 2011


sheesh. budget crisis. i couldn't figure out for the life of me that with my careful budgeting, we were soo terribly scrapped by the end of this month. like wowsy wowserman scrapped.
then i remembered. a couple of weeks ago i had withdrawn 15 days worth of grocery money and had it in my pocket to stow away at the house later that evening. then, somehow, i lost it. send some positive money energy our way! this is silly and unfortunate.
more to come.


Michael said...

Much and many is the kind of engry I send thee, that your life in love, hugs and funds will abound with plenty :) Love you lots!!

lulu said...

thank you beloved!! i sure do miss you!!!

Adrienne said...

I hope you find it dear one! Lemme know if I can help!