Monday, June 1, 2009

big day

you know sometimes one reaches a moment when it's scary to step over the line of "normal" or "cool" and keep doing what you're doing. i've danced with that moment today.
at first, it would make me bitter that no one reads this but me. or that people just aren't that inot it (lulu's pangaea is an acquired taste, i'm sure). it has become a sort of diary i guess. so, i'm kind of happy no one does follow it.
i will always be my biggest fan and that's okay. i like that about me.
another weekend has passed too quickly. yet another awkward conversation with senor mas has as well. i do however, feel that it was the most painful and therefore most successful conversation yet.
today marks one year since i realized i needed to make a solid change to my life. and although cigarettes are the most devilish temptation in my life still...a lot, indeed, has changed.
i'm still a mess with a matching set of emotional baggage. but, i have my own place now. i've sought to better myself and have succeeded in many ways. i'm being creative every day. i'm slowly but surely stitching up all the rips in the fibers of my being.
it feels really good. i really like being me. i love my life.
happy monday!

1 comment:

Megan said...

excuse me but you linked and I've read, thank you very much!