Tuesday, July 20, 2010

key words & state flowers

goood morning, friends. 'tis tuesday and i just got back in from a two-mile walk. yay me! despite the fact that i smell rather lovely, i feel pretty darn good. it's been a whirlwind of a week or so, and will continue to be so for several more weeks. so my morning quiet time is really beneficial to the general welfare of everyone around me. ha!

mississippi moved over here this weekend. i say "moved" but he's here for five days til we go back to the magnolia state to get mr. miati, his car; and whatever we can shove into both of our vehicles. then come monday, we move into our new apartmento. it is very exciting. i love the energy about the place. it just felt like home immediately upon entering it. i was so nervous we wouldn't get it because i had a house-crush on this place. what makes it even better? an awesome ladyfriend of mine lives two doors down. that's right, just like the dolly parton song! sooo rad!

anyway, monday we are moving in as much of the big stuff as possible; more than likely taking mini-trips in our cars for the rest of the week. we're stoked and i think it's time to have another yard sale!! the key word for the next few weeks, simplify.

there are a lot of things evolving and changing. that's always a good thing though it can be a challenge to find one's footing. i'm inspired by it though. i've been wanting to write a lot more which is handy for a lot of reasons. one of which is that i HAVE to write a resume soon and get it out there for the world to see. positive energies for that, please friends.

well, i reckon i ought to make some breakfast and get to gettin'. i hope your day is beautiful. do something summery for yourselves today, like eat watermelon off the rind. oh! that sounds so delicious right now!

adieu, lovies.


p.s. because i had to double-check what the mississippi state flower was aaaand i'm a nerd for information like this: http://www.50states.com/
today's picture: we have a lot of books and this isn't even near all of them.

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