Wednesday, August 26, 2009

have some sweet dreams with this under your pillow...

*if you know what movie that line is from then you know what movie i watched tonight.*

so, experiment "blueberry delight" is a smash success. doesn't it look...well, edible?!

i now have something that, as a southern woman, has been very much lacking from my repertoire. my very own cobbler/dessert casserole recipe!

i'm so proud of myself for not ruining it, that i may even let you in on the secret ingredient. or maybe i won't! hahaha!

so, y'all better be real nice to me so you can have some. i think i'll rename it luberry delight.

oh! and i also made a great batch of fried eggplant. lord help us all there's a hurricane of comfort foods brewing in the gulf! it seems my genetic makup plus pms equals cooking delicious southern food. can you say score?!?!?

goodnight, friends!

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